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The World Wide Operations Team is the engine that drives, fulfillsand delivers the Amazon.com order to the doorsteps of millions of customers.The people here are constantly faced with challenges involvingscalability, process flow, implementing business logic, optimizationalgorithms, inventory controls, reducing waste, and tracking high volumes ofreal-time data metrics.We also focus on Green initiatives by improvingthe packaging experience for our customers to reduce waste, increase efficiencyand improve the overall customer experience. What we are doing is trulyunique and software and systems are being designed, built, and executed in-house,from the ground up. We do all this toensure we continue to keep our customer promise to be “Earth's Most CustomerCentric Company".


Did you know that the technology behindAmazon.com also powers the websites of many of the world's largest brands inretail? These teams are creating the largest business-to-business networkin the world. We are chartered with building solutions, processes, andtools that help third party sellers to successfully sell on Amazon.com and alsoon their own web sites. We provide retailers a turn-key, outsourcede-commerce solution that incorporates Amazon's widely recognized shoppingfeatures and technology, while still allowing retailers to entirely control thelook and feel of their Web sites. Engineers have a dramatic impact on howtens of thousands of third party sellers successfully sell at Amazon.com byworking with and influencing the product direction of every major aspect of theAmazon.com core technology platform, while designing and implementing customshopping sites. If you or any of your friends sell on Amazon, you areusing Marketplace’s technology.


Amazon retail technology teams are dedicatedto delivering the Internet's best shopping experience to each customer whovisits an Amazon retail website globally. Every day millions of customers visitour websites and mobile apps from around the world to discover, research, andbuy from a vast assortment of items. We tailor the experience to accommodateour growing and diverse selection as well as to the device the customer isusing on that visit-- helping customers make buying decisions, enablingdiscovery of products they were not aware of, and addressing customer painpoints. In addition to shopping for physical goods, we are also working onshopping for and consuming digital products.

Business Development

Our team includes a variety of incubation andextremely fast growing businesses and the teams that own the features and datamost customers think about when they think of Amazon. The opportunitiesrange from front end development that directly impacts customer experience toback end development work on a wide range of large scale, multi-tiered,distributed systems. We build systems to harness the collectiveintelligence found in the billions of interactions that happen on our globalfamily of websites. Our algorithms seek out the most useful aggregate patternsamongst an enormous amount of data. Our systems operate at massive scale.Our data mining algorithms are able to process billions of transactions made byhundreds of millions of customers on a catalog with hundreds of millions ofitems. That's tens of thousands of requests per second, every second ofevery day.


The Amazon Kindle teams are reinventing theexperience around media content. The team is creating new and innovativesoftware, hardware, and digital products for innovative delivery, as we seeksmart, energetic people who are excited about growing our rapidly expandingdigital media business. Joining our team means working with a group ofhighly-talented and creative individuals who bring energy and excitement toeverything we create.

eCommerce Services

From massive scale & reliability, to the customer interaction& innovation that powers new businesses across Amazon, the eCommercePlatform Service group is at the heart of Amazon's growth and success. We take pride in making what is complex tobe simple. The software components wecreate are fundamental building blocks, used by other teams at Amazon to buildtheir retail websites. We're responsible for ensuring these websites stay upand running. Everything needs to respond gracefully to very drastic changes inusage patterns - from a few hundred new users up to a few million, in a veryshort timeframe.Our systems are part of every purchase, shipment,browsing instance and login while our constant innovation enables and powersnew businesses from Kindle to AWS to fulfillment to mobile.

AmazonWeb Services

Amazon WebServices (AWS) delivers a set of simple building block services that togetherform a reliable, scalable, and inexpensive computing platform "in thecloud" built upon the same technology that Amazon.com uses to run itsglobal web properties. These pay-as-you-go services provide an outsourced ITinfrastructure that allows companies of all sizes, from all across the globe,to cost-effectively deploy scalable and dependable applications – ranging fromwebsites to enterprise backup to scientific and financial analysis.


From targeted,personalized merchandising to systems that serve website content fromdistributed data centers around the world, the Platform teams build the tools,frameworks and services that let users develop, assemble, deploy, and maintainworld-class websites from subsidiaries to Amazon.com itself. Our hostingsoftware ensures consistency and availability across thousands of hosts,responding in real-time to changes in traffic and load. Our email systems,including Amazon's Simple Email Service, deliver billions of targeted emails,directly driving revenue to our sites. Through highly specialized contentmanagement systems, site development tools, and sophisticated experimentationsoftware, the platform organization.




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    要把关系型数据库应用迁移到Hadoop上,你该何去何从?本书介绍了Apache Hive,它是基于Hadoop的数据仓库架构。通过本书,读者可以很快学会如何使用Hive的...· 学习在亚马逊弹性MapReduce上执行Hive的正反两方面信息。


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